
Showing posts from December, 2024

Newer is not necessarily better

 I, like do many others, use the camera in my cellphone to take pictures. That's okay. But professional work calls for a specialized technology. I tried taking a photo of my big screen TV with my phone but there is distortion in the lens. If I project a cartesian grid on the screen and take a picture, the lines will be slightly curved. I had an opportunity to buy a used digital picket camera for a few bucks. I bought a Canon Powershot S209 Digital Elph with leather case and Canon battery charger. Product manuals are still available online so I downloaded a couple. The camera, in the case, fits comfortably in my pant or coat pocket. I bought a battery and USB card reader and the thing is working fine.    My iPhones take pretty goid pictures, but I always get this 'canned' impression. The Elph feels more natural and flexible. I have also had a Konica Minolta Maxxim 5D with a blackout issue. The camera only takes pictures that are black, and no imagery. I may attempt a fix s...

New old toy.

 Playing with a Canon S200 Digital Elf digital camera. The camera is a 'pocket' camera and came with a leather case with belt loop. I have a 2Gb CF card I share between the Elf and a Konica-Minolta Maxim 5D digital camera that has shutter pproblems. The 5D is long out of production, but I got lucky and found a digital service manual for the camera.