
Showing posts from 2018

Classical Gas: 3000 Years of Art - a reconstruction

This project dissembles a copy of the original Classical Gas, 3000 Years of Art video and identifies all the artworks used. Copies in better condition, and in larger formats, are found on the web and saved to the project. Help would be very valuable in this project. Therer are over 2,000 images in the video that need to be identified. Many are smaller subsections of an artwork rather than the entire work. If a large enough copy cannot be found, I will attempt enlargement using one of the current deep-learning super resolution techniques. To date, I have identified and downloaded over 100 artworks. The Google search engine for images,  helps a lot. That service can upload an image of a work of art, or a subsection of a work of art, and attempt to find the same or similar images on the web. Sometimes the search is quick and exact, other times, way off. One image was used as a cover for a recent book. The engine could not get away from the book reference, subsequently, art images

Super Resolution

   I ran across a university site in Israel a decade or so ago. Technion was ahead of its time, at least the computer science department. Among subjects, explored there, was super resolution.      Take a low resolution image and apply processing to get a larger image with the same level of detail.,    My first instinct was that the task was impossible. You would hasve to manufacture information. The detail in a larger image does not exist, in reality.    Technion scientists had studied  the problem and developed an approach. This was in March of 2003. I recently ran across some work being done in the area of neural networks that expands the field.    A paper on SRGAN, images/videos and super resolution attracted my attention. SRGAN is:Super Resolution with Genrative Adversarial Networks.    This approach is very effective, though some failings in color occur. Structure and form are well done and the manufactured detail is developed from trained associate networks. The failin

Digital movies and editors -- do it yourself?

   Occasionally, I need to correct a delay in the audio in a video. I have become acquainted with all kinds of software for modifying and playing media such as movies, images, and music.    Sometimes a video will have an audio track that is not loud enough. I have a software to correct that problem.    I have installed and used video editors to convert from one file format or codec tro another. My preference, currently, is for Matroska containers using HEVC-x265 compression and AC3 or FLAC audio encoding. The Matroska file trype can contain separable subtitles and audio in several languages. Separable means one or more of any can be removed from the file. All excess language audio tracks and subtitles can be removed for local use. This saves some on disk space.    I have several Apple iPhones. Sometimes, I use these phones as movie cameras. I used one to make a movie of shadows on my solar panel array. I needed to study the play of shadows to determine the best place, or places,

Digital movies and database software

I've been spending a lot of time and energy on digital movies lately. I've acquired a collection and installed database software specialized for movies and or media in general.    There are many such programs available and I decided to find the better ones and put them to the test.    You would be surprised at the problems that can arise when the user context does not overlap the software use plan exactly. Anbother way of saying personal habits can result in problems if the program designer thinks differently than you, and narrowly.     Human factors engineering is important in software. Easy to learn and use software becomes popular if the program does what's expected well. People will pick an easy to use software over a difficult, obtuse, piece of software given all other thing are equal.    I used a DBM (Database Manager) that is popular and free. My problem was, the programmer wrote the program from the botom up, and not top down. This means that when I stepped ou