Super Resolution

   I ran across a university site in Israel a decade or so ago. Technion was ahead of its time, at least the computer science department. Among subjects, explored there, was super resolution.
   Take a low resolution image and apply processing to get a larger image with the same level of detail.,

   My first instinct was that the task was impossible. You would hasve to manufacture information. The detail in a larger image does not exist, in reality.

   Technion scientists had studied  the problem and developed an approach. This was in March of 2003. I recently ran across some work being done in the area of neural networks that expands the field.
   A paper on SRGAN, images/videos and super resolution attracted my attention. SRGAN is:Super Resolution with Genrative Adversarial Networks.

   This approach is very effective, though some failings in color occur. Structure and form are well done and the manufactured detail is developed from trained associate networks. The failings have to do with some aspects of color.

   The HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value) model is useful for this explanation. The saturation drops in areas. The saturation is not uniform with respect to duplication. The overall Value drops some. The experimental model may benefit from inclusion of the HSV color model in the training set.

   Still, the examples of SR imagery are impressive. One of the uses for SR is a substitute for compression, thus a new way to save disk memory space. A catalog of images could be saved in low resolution format along with the trained model, and recalled when needed. This would be limited to general images where accuracy of detail is not important such as advertising and electronic publications.


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