
Showing posts from April, 2018

Super Resolution

   I ran across a university site in Israel a decade or so ago. Technion was ahead of its time, at least the computer science department. Among subjects, explored there, was super resolution.      Take a low resolution image and apply processing to get a larger image with the same level of detail.,    My first instinct was that the task was impossible. You would hasve to manufacture information. The detail in a larger image does not exist, in reality.    Technion scientists had studied  the problem and developed an approach. This was in March of 2003. I recently ran across some work being done in the area of neural networks that expands the field.    A paper on SRGAN, images/videos and super resolution attracted my attention. SRGAN is:Super Resolution with Genrative Adversarial Networks.    This approach is very effective, though some failings in color occur. Structure and form are well done and the manufac...